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Landscaping & Gardening Tips for Spring

Warmer Texas weather just around the corner! Now is the perfect time to start thinking about how you'd want your landscaping and gardens to look for rest of 2023. You never know, you could even be selected for the next "Yard of the Month!"

Here are some Spring tips to follow:


  1. Plant or replace cool season annuals.

  2. Set out tomato transplants. Once all chances of frost are gone, set out tomato transplants and begin fertilizing.

  3. Plant new trees and shrubs.

  4. Trim and shape overgrown trees and shrubs.

  5. Fertilize lawn. The secret to a weed-free lawn is a good fertilization program. Avoid “Prune spring-flowering shrubs and vines after they finish blooming.

  6. Continue fertilizing winter and spring annuals.

  7. Continue planting cool-season vegetable seeds outdoors. Beets, carrots, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, mustard greens, scallions, spinach, swiss chard, turnips.

  8. Plant beans by seed outdoors. Bush beans, lima beams, pole beans, and snap beans.


  1. Start planting summer annuals. Lantana, pentas, begonias, vinca, and coleus.

  2. Plant new perennials.

  3. Mulch all of your garden beds. Mulch reduces water loss by 50%. It also protects against disease.

  4. Continue planting trees and shrubs.

  5. Plant summer vegetables. By seed: corn, cucumbers, squash, watermelon, and zucchini. By transplant: pepper, cucumbers, squash, and zucchini.

For more gardening tips, head over to Dallas Garden School to learn more!

Source: Dallas Garden School


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